Trauma and Fracture Fellowships provide an additional year of training following residency to further your education, hone your surgical skills, and develop relationships with mentors that will follow you through your career.
The Orthopaedic Trauma Association (OTA) accredits Trauma and Fracture Fellowships with the goal of promoting a high-quality post residency training experience in orthopaedic trauma. This process is intended to ensure that all programs are structured with solid educational platforms and have the depth and breadth of clinical exposure to support fellow education. Routine program reviews should encourage all programs to regularly evaluate and improve the educational experience offered for fellow training. The ultimate purpose is to support quality educational programs for training the next generation of orthopaedic traumatologists who will continue to advance care for all trauma patients.
The OTA accreditation process includes two fellowship types: Trauma Fellowships and Fracture Fellowships.
Trauma vs. Fracture Fellowship Tracks
Please see the links below for additional information. Questions regarding OTA Fellowships can be directed to Rachel O'Connell at oconnell@ota.org.
Program Administrator / Director Resources
Fellowship Guidelines, evaluation forms, case log information and grant resource information.