A Lower Extremity Readiness Trial



Specifically, we are interested in defining an assessment criteria for pre-operative skin conditions, specifically for the lower extremity, in orthopedic patients who require surgery for various orthopedic fractures. Specific criteria will be determined through an inter- and intra-observer variability analysis of various orthopedic surgeons’ surveyed answers on different patients’ skin conditions.

We would greatly appreciate it if you would complete this brief online survey that includes anonymous videos of patients’ lower extremity fractures, specifically closed ankle and tibial plateau fractures.  The survey asks whether you believe a patient should be immediately cleared for surgery or whether the soft tissue needs more time to heal prior to surgery taking place. You will be asked to rate specific criteria, such as swelling, ecchymosis, wrinkles, or blisters, which deem the tissue acceptable or not acceptable for surgery on a scale of 0-10 for each characteristic.

Target: All members