Health and Policy Advocacy


Following is a list of public and health policy resources made available by the Orthopaedic Trauma Association.

Firearm Safety:
The OTA, AAOS, and ACS met to discuss firearm safety on June 6th, resulting in a commitment to work together to endorse the ACS Firearms Safety Strategy and recommendations.

ACS Firearm Safety Resources:

OTA Position Statements

Bystander Intervention Resources

Health Policy Information

American College of Surgeons - Committee on Trauma

Contact: Anna N Miller, MD, FACS for information on the OTA’s participation on the COT.  

Compartment Syndrome Poster

The OTA poster on Compartment Syndrome is designed for the Emergency Room setting. The poster is to help alert the ED to the recognition of this limb threatening injury. The classic signs and symptoms are reviewed to help provide basic information on his important diagnosis. Further references are provided along with the key recommendation to Call your Orthopaedic Surgeon!

OTA Poster on Compartment Syndrome

Compartment Syndrome Poster