Bovill Award
This award is presented annually to the author(s) of the most outstanding OTA Annual Meeting scientific podium.
Title: Infrapatellar Versus Suprapatellar Intramedullary Nailing for Fractures of the Tibia (INSURT Study): A Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial
Authors: David Cinats, MD; Kelly L. Apostle, MD; Dory Boyer, MD; Alan Johnstone, MB, ChB; H. Michael Lemke, MD; Farhad Moola, MD; Bert Perey, MD; Trevor Stone, MD; Darius Viskontas, MD; Canadian Orthopaedic Trauma Society Group; INSURT Study Group
Resident Paper Memorial Award
This award is presented annually to the best resident led and presented scientific podium presentation.
Title: Tranexamic Acid Administered at Time of Hospital Admission Does Not Decrease Transfusion Rates or Blood Loss for Extracapsular Hip Fractures: A Double-Blinded Randomized Clinical Trial
Authors: Rachel Honig, MD; Brandon J. Yuan, MD; Aaron R. Owen, MD; Chelsea C. Boe, MD; Nicolas P. Kuttner, BS; Alexandra M. Cancio-Bello, BS; Kristina M. Colbenson, MD; Krystin A. Hidden, MD; Jonathan D. Barlow, MD; William W. Cross III, MD; Stephen A. Sems, MD
Best International Podium
Title: Prospective External Validation of a Machine Learning Algorithm to Predict a Scaphoid Fracture
Authors: Job N. Doornberg, MD, PhD; Anne Eva Bulstra, MD; Lauren Hendrickx, MD; Gino Kerkhoffs, MD, PhD; Miryam Obdeijn, MD, PhD; Job Doornberg, MD, PhD; Ruurd Jaarsma
Best Basic Science Podium
Title: Treatment of Acute Fracture Related Infections Utilizing Bacteriophage Therapy
Authors: Kyle Schweser, MD; Chantelle Bozynski DVM, MSc; Aaron Stoker PhD; Tamara Gull DVM, PhD; Dana Duren, PhD; James L. Cook DVM, PhD
Annual Meeting Highlight Podiums
Title: An Early Coagulation Factor Dominant Hypercoagulability Is Followed by a Prolonged Platelet-Dominant Hypercoagulability in Patients Requiring Hip Fracture Surgery
Authors: Prism Schneider, MD, PhD; Daniel You, MD, MSc; Andrew Dodd, MD; Paul James Duffy, MD; Ryan Martin, MD; Stephanie Yee, BSc; Jessica Duong, PhD; Casandra Tan, RN; Kim Rondeau, MSc; Robert Korley, MD
Title: Surgery With Locking Plate or Hemiarthroplasty Versus Nonoperative Treatment of 3- and 4-Part Proximal Humerus Fractures in Patients Aged 60 Years and Older: A Randomized Clinical Trial
Authors: Antti P. Launonen, MD; Bakir O. Sumrein, MD; Aleksi Reito, MD; Ville M. Mattila, MD; Minna K. Laitinen, MD; NITEP Group
Title: PREPARE-Closed: A Pragmatic Randomized Trial Evaluating Preoperative Alcohol Skin Solutions in Closed Fractured Extremities
Authors: Sheila Sprague, PhD; PREP-IT Investigators
Title: Liberal Transfusion Causes Higher Infection Rates with No Benefit to Functional Outcomes, Orthopaedic Trauma, and Anemia: Conservative Versus Liberal Transfusion (ORACL): A Prospective Randomized Study
Authors: Brian H. Mullis, MD, FIOTA; Leilani Mullis, MD; Laurence Kempton, MD; Walt W. Virkus, MD; James Slaven, MS; Jenny L. Bruggers, MD
Title: Low-Dose Short-Term Scheduled Ketorolac Reduces Opioid Use and Pain in Orthopaedic Polytrauma Patients: A Randomized Clinical Trial
Authors: Arun Aneja, MD, PhD; Jeffrey A. Foster, MD; David C. Landy, MD, PhD; Daria L. Kinchelow, BA; Jarod T. Griffin, MD; Gregory S. Hawk, PhD; Eric S. Moghadamian, MD; Raymond D. Wright, MD; Paul E. Matuszewski, MD;
David A. Zuelzer, MD; Daniel D. Primm, MD
Title: Reamer-Irrigator-Aspirator (RIA) Versus Autogenous Iliac Crest Bone Graft (AICBG) for the Treatment of Nonunions: A Multicenter Randomized Trial
Authors: Aaron Nauth, MD; Michael D. McKee, MD; Jeremy Hall, MD; Milena Vicente, RN, CCRP; Jennifer Hidy, BSC; Emil H. Schemitsch, MD, FIOTA; Canadian Orthopaedic Trauma Society (COTS)