"Burn injuries are devastating in both the military and civilian settings. In the military, combat-associated burns are often from explosive device detonation. For civilians, they usually result from fire/flames in settings such as structural fires or motor vehicle accidents. Over the last several years, there have been substantial improvements in survival following major burn injuries. As we continue to make strides in this area, we also need to improve the quality of life for the patients and manage long term complications associated with burn injuries.
It has been shown in a variety of studies that burn patients have an increased risk for osteoporosis and fragility fractures, such as hip fractures. These fractures are associated with their own substantial morbidity and mortality. The goal of our research is to develop a viable mouse model for evaluation of systemic bone loss following burn injuries. After its development, we intend to compare a variety of treatments to determine what medicines/interventions can help prevent this systemic bone loss.
Ultimately, when translated to humans this research will help the recovery of countless burn patients and prevent fragility fractures in both the military and civilian populations. I am extremely grateful that the OTA granted me this resident research award. The OTA's dedication to resident education and research made this study possible.
Special thank you to my mentors for the project: Dr. Blaine Christiansen, Dr. Mark Lee, and Dr. Tina Palmieri."
Patrick Martin Wise, MD, CAPT, USAF
Orthopaedic Resident