OTA Young Investigator Research Grant


In recognition of the challenges faced by recent fellowship graduates in securing seed funding for research and academic growth, the OTA will offer a two-year career development award to qualified orthopaedic trauma surgeons within 5 years of completion of their orthopaedic trauma fellowship who have demonstrated commitment, potential, and/or success for scientific achievement in their endeavors to date.  Funding will support mentored research and learning activities that can be completed within the 2-years award cycle.  Both laboratory and clinical lines of research will be supported if clinical relevance to orthopaedic trauma is demonstrated.

This program will be conducted in collaboration with AO Trauma North America (AOTNA) and the Center for Orthopaedic Injury Research and Innovation (COIRI). Biennial meetings will be hosted at the OTA Annual Meeting (Fall) and One AO (Spring) for awardees of this grant and the sister program (Early Career Research Development Award) through AOTNA.  Recipients will also be offered full access to the full suite of respective committee resources including the OTA Research Mentoring Program and OTA Grant Library and AO Program for Education and Excellence in Research (AO PEER).  

Apply Now 

The grant submission process will close July 15th.


The principal investigator (PI) must be an orthopedic trauma surgeon within 5 years of orthopedic trauma fellowship completion (unless military service obligations have delayed the start of academic practice) in the United States or Canada and a member of OTA. Applicants will have established mentor(s) which can be at their home or an outside institution.

OTA will offer an award to a Young Investigator, with a $35,000 grant which will last two years, and paid out over installments.