A Multicentre RCT Comparing the InterTAN Device Versus the Sliding Hip Screw in the Treatment of Geriatric Hip Fractures: Results Depend on Preinjury Functional Level
David Sanders, MD; Dianne Bryant, PhD; Mark MacLeod, MD; Abdel-Rahman Lawendy, MD, PhD, FRCSC; Kevin Gurr, MD; Tim Carey, MD; Christopher Bailey; Debra Bartley; Christina Tieszer, BSc, MSc; Steven Papp, MD, FRCPC; Allan Liew, MD, FRCSC; Wade Gofton, MD, FRCPC; Julia Foxall; Chad Coles, MD; Ross Leighton, MD, FRCSC, FACS; Kelly Trask, MSc; Darius Viskontas, MD; Trevor Stone, MD; Mauri Zomar; Andrew Trenholm, MD; Tracy Adams