2014 Highlight Paper Winners


Does Ankle Aspiration for Acute Ankle Fractures Result in Pain Relief? A Prospective Randomized Double-Blinded Placebo-Controlled Trial
Timothy J. Ewald, MD, BS, MSc; Pamela K. Holte, CNP; Joseph R. Cass, MD; William W. Cross III, MD; S. Andrew Sems, MD


Continuous Popliteal Sciatic Nerve Block for Ankle Fractures Reduces Postoperative Opioid Requirements and Rebound Pain: A Prospective Randomized Comparative Trial
David Ding, MD; Arthur Manoli III, BS; David Galos, MD; Sudheer Jain, MD; Nirmal C. Tejwani, MD, FRCS


Outcomes a Decade After Surgery for Unstable Ankle Fracture: Functional Recovery Does Not Decay with Time
Stephen Gould, MD, MPH; Deirdre Regan, BA; Arthur Manoli III, BS; Kenneth J. Koval, MD; Nirmal C. Tejwani, MD; Kenneth A. Egol, MD


Development and Validation of a Geriatric Trauma Triage Score
Sanjit R. Konda, MD
; Rachel Seymour, PhD; Arthur Manoli III, BS; Madhav A. Karunakar, MD; Carolinas Trauma Network Research Group


Determinants of Functional Outcome in Distal Radius Fractures in High Functioning Elderly Patients 
Jeremie Larouche, MD, FRCSC
; Jeffrey Pike, MD; Gerard P. Slobogean, MD, MPH, FRCSC; Pierre Guy, MD; Henry M. Broekhuyse, MD; Peter J. O’Brien, MD, FRCSC; Kelly A. Lefaivre, MD


Can Thrombelastography Predict Venous Thromboembolic Events in Patients with Severe Extremity Trauma? 
Prism S. Schneider, MD, PhD; Bryan A. Cotton, MD; Matthew Galpin, RC; Zayde Radwan, MD; John W. Munz, MD; Timothy S. Achor, MD; Mark L. Prasarn, MD; Joshua L. Gary, MD


Prediction of Pulmonary Embolism in Trauma Patients: A Risk Assessment Model Based Upon 38,000 Patients
Sheena R. Black, MD
; Jeffrey T. Howard, MA; Paul C. Chin, MD, PhD; Adam J. Starr, MD


Role of Acute Negative-Pressure Wound Therapy Over Primarily Closed Surgical Incisions in Hip, Pelvis, and Acetabular Fracture Surgery: A Prospective Randomized Trial
Brett D. Crist, MD, FACS
; Michael S. Khazzam, MD; Gregory J. Della Rocca, MD, PhD; Yvonne M. Murtha, MD; James P. Stannard, MD


Efficacy of Postoperative Pain Control After Distal Radius Fracture Fixation: A Prospective Randomized Study
David Galos, MD; David P. Taormina, MS; Alexander Crespo, BS; David Ding, MD; Anthony Sapienza, MD; Sudheer Jain, MD; Nirmal C. Tejwani, MD, FRCS


Comparing Outcomes Between Hinged Knee Bracing and No Bracing After Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of Tibial Plateau Fractures
Aakash Chauhan, MD
, MBA; Alan Slipak, BS; Kathryn Peticca, BS; Gregory T. Altman, MD; Daniel T. Altman, MD


Prediction of Tibial Nonunions at 3 Months After Intramedullary Nailing
Justin Fowler, MD
; Andrew G. Dubina, BS; Renan C. Castillo, PhD; Christina L. Boulton, MD; Jason W. Nascone, MD; Marcus F. Sciadini, MD; Christopher T. LeBrun, MD; Robert V. O’Toole, MD


Does Progressive Radiographic Healing Result in Better Function? A Prospective Evaluation of PCS and RUST Scoring in Tibial Shaft
Fractures Treated with IM Nailing
Paul Tornetta, III, MD
; David Sanders, MD; Emil Schemitsch, MD; Yves LaFlamme, MD; Diane Heels-Ansdell, MSc; Jason Busse, PhD; Mohit Bhandari, MD, MSc, PhD


Do Postoperative Prophylactic Antibiotics Decrease the Risk of Postoperative Infection After ORIF?--A Prospective Double-Blinded Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial 
Brett D. Crist, MD; David D. Greenberg, MD; Gregory J. Della Rocca, MD, PhD; Yvonne M. Murtha, MD; David A. Volgas, MD; James P. Stannard, MD