Dirk Leu, MD
Spica Casting in Pediatric Femur Fractures: A Prospective Randomized Controlled Study of 1-Leg versus 1.5-Leg Spica Casts
Dirk Leu, MD; Erkula Gurkan, MD; M. Catherine Sargent, MD; Michael C. Ain, MD; Arabella I. Leet, MD; John E. Tis, MD; Gregory M. Osgood, MD; Paul D. Sponseller, MD
CPT Daniel J. Stinner, MD; MAJ(P)
Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT) Reduces Effectiveness of Antibiotic Beads
CPT Daniel J. Stinner, MD MAJ(P); Joseph R. Hsu, MD; Joseph C. Wenke, MD