The following videos have recently been posted to the OTA Video Library - Procedures and Techniques section:
- NEW Terrible Triad Repair Including Radial Head ORIF Utilizing Arthroscopic Instrumentation
- NEW Heel Recessed Short Leg Splint Technique to Reduce Risk of Iatrogenic Skin Breakdown
- NEW Minimally Invasive Plate Osteosynthesis (MIPO) for Scapular Fractures
- NEW Volar Approach to Radius for Both Bone Forearm Fracture
- Bony Multi-Ligamentous Knee Injury with ORIF of Large Arcuate and Segond Fractures
- Midshaft Clavicle Fracture: Dual Mini-Fragment Plating
- Open Reduction of a Posteriorly Locked Shoulder Dislocation: A Case Example
- Repair of Pediatric LC3 Pelvic Ring Injury
- Box-and-1 Suture Augmented Transosseous Patellar Tendon Repair
- Medial-Based Myofasciocutaneous Flap Above-Knee Amputation: Technique Video
- Reduction of Ankle Fractures/Dislocations without an Assistant (Quigley’s Traction)
- Percutaneus Plating of the Medial Distal Femur: Cadaveric Dissection