A Message from Prism Schneider, Research Committee Chair


Since 1990, the Research Committee has adjudicated 509 research grants, totaling over $14.5 million dollars. We are pleased to announce the recipients of this year's grants, which were announced at the 2024 OTA Annual Meeting, and will begin January 1st, 2025. A list of the selected applicants is available here.

The Orthopaedic Trauma Association (OTA) offers a variety of research grants throughout the year, including:

  • Resident Grants (twice annually)
  • Full Member Grants (twice annually)
  • International Member Grant (once annually)
  • Young Investigator Grants (once annually)
  • Collaborative Grants with AO Trauma North America (every two years)
  • Industry Partner Grants (Ad Hoc)

The OTA Research Committee follows a rigorous review process to ensure the quality, relevance, and feasibility of each project. In alignment with current NIH standards, grants are evaluated by three independent reviewers, who assess applications based on five key criteria: Clinical Significance, Investigators, Innovation, Approach, Environment. This thorough review process is designed to support high-impact research that advances the field of orthopaedic trauma.

Consider applying for the 2025 research grant opportunities!