A Nation in Motion
Eight months after his limb-threatening accident, Ari’s march down the aisle was a testament to what patient determination — and advanced orthopaedic surgery — can achieve. Go, Ari.
Read Ari’s story and find your own inspiration at ANationInMotion.org.
The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) and the Orthopaedic Trauma Association (OTA)are working together to increase awareness about road safety. In 2010, approximately 4,280 pedestrians were killed and 70,000 were injured in the U.S. That’s one injury every eight minutes! Orthopaedic surgeons—the specialists who put bones and joints back together after road crashes and traumas—want drivers, passengers, and pedestrians who share the road to be safe.
Fight for Your Mobility! Learn how to prevent pedestrian crash-related injuries:
- Cross streets at designated crosswalks.
- Be careful at intersections where drivers may fail to yield right-of-way while turning—especially if signal is changing.
- Be sure crosswalk is clear before crossing street.
- Increase your visibility at night by carrying a flashlight and wearing reflective clothing.
- Walk on the sidewalk. If you must walk in the street, walk facing traffic.
- Avoid wearing headphones, using the phone, or texting while walking.
- Hold your children’s hands.
While pedestrians cannot control the behavior of drivers, being alert, careful, and easily seen when walking in or near traffic, may help avoid injury, and most importantly, save a life.
For more road safety tips, visit orthoinfo.org, ota.org, and decidetodrive.org.