(click skeleton for image map)


Scientific Basis for Fracture Care



Trauma Issues

Shoulder Fractures

Humerus Fractures

Elbow Fractures

Forearm Fractures

Hand and Wrist


Pelvis and Acetabulum

Hip Fractures

Femur Fractures

Knee Fractures

Tibia Fractures

Foot and Ankle


The material presented at the 13th Annual Meeting has been made available by the Orthopaedic Trauma Association for educational purposes only. The material is not intended to represent the only, nor necessarily best method or procedure appropriate for the medical situations discussed, but rather is intended to present an approach, view, statement or opinion of the faculty which my be helpful to others who face similar situations.

The OTA disclaims any and all liability for injury or other damages resulting to any individual attending the annual meeting and for all claims which may arise out of the use of the techniques demonstated therein by such individuals whether these claims shall be asserted by physician or any other person.


Papers designated with an asterisk (*): Presenters are required to disclose whether or not they, or their department, received something of value from a commercial or other party which relates directly or indirectly to the subject of their presentation. Something of value is defined as any item, payment or service valued in excess of $500.00. The OTA does not intend this identification to decrease the value of the presentation or to imply bias. It is intended solely for information.